Newnham WI

Newnham WI

Newnham WI

The Newham Women's Institute meet on the third Thursday of every month at 7:30pm in the Village Hall.

The Newham Women's Institute meet on the third Thursday of every month at 7:30pm in the Village Hall.
We get up to all sorts, and have a fabulous variety of speakers, crafters and makers to enrich and extend our knowledge and skills! We round it all off with good chat, a cuppa and nibbles.
We're always open to ideas for our programme, so please contact us if you have a topic to inspire and educate. In the meantime, our programme for the remainder of the year is as follows:
Guests are most welcome at our meetings for a fee of £7, (refreshments are included) but when we make something to take home fees are dependent on materials and so please register your interest so we ensure we have materials! 
Alternatively, swerve the standard guest fee and become a WI member for the remainder of the year for the WI pro-rated fee.
We'll need a new President, Treasurer and Secretary to take over the reins from April, so if you fancy moulding your WI into something even better, join us and join the committee.
For further information please check out our Facebook page "Newnham Women's Institute - WI" for updates, info and meeting pics, or contact;
Sophie on 07711 123981, or Chris, 07927 465404, or
We hope to see you in November for fused glass Christmas Decoration making and plenty of festive spirit!
Newnham Womens Institute

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